-Veterinary and CEO-
Licensed at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Veterinary Faculty, she has been working in several clinics and hospitals since 2001, first as assistant and later as licensed veterinary.
In constant updating to offer you the best treatments to help your animals.
Great defensor of fear free handling, to make the veterinary clinic a safe and quiet place for animals and owners.
At present membereship of Feline Medicine Specialty Group (GEMFE), of the Spanish Small Animals Vet Association (AVEPA) and of the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM).
-Veterinary Nurse (ATV)-
If you came to the clinic any time, you already know her big smile and kindness.
Mee is certified as a Veterinary assistant at the Escola d’Oficis de Catalunya.
She joined the Clínica Veterinària Almogàvers Parc to attend your needs, give you some pet cares and collaborate in your pets wellness with the best attention. EXTERNAL COLLABORATING SERVICES: DELVET ULTRASOUND – Ultrasound veterinary service with more than 10 years of experience offering quality imaging services, with the best professionals and latest equipment.
ENDOLAP VETERINARIA – Endoscopy, specialised in general surgery and minimal invasive surgery, that allows us to offer our clients the best and more advanced surgery techniques, thanks to a very experienced team.
CARLOS VICH CORDÓN – Dermovet Veterinarian dermatology exclusive service with more than 20 years experience.
JAVIER LAGIOIOSA- Oftalmovilvet Veterinarian oftalmology and oftalmic exclusive surgery service.
VÍCTOR TRILLA – Instrumevet Servei exclusiu de traumatologia i cirurgia ortopèdica veterinària amb més de 20 anys d’experiència.
ESCOLA D’OFICIS DE CATALUNYA – We are also collaborating center in the Escola d’Oficis de Catalunya Veterinarian Nurses formation, allowing the students that finished their studies to do internships in our centre, learning how is the day in a veterinary clinic, and facilitating their incorporation to a job.